
A simple, pragmatic versioning convention.

(November 22, 2016)

This document describes a convention for versioning, under source-control, with package managers.


An API has two series of releases: feature-complete, and feature-incomplete.


Feature-incomplete releases use a version numbering scheme 0.MAJOR.UPDATE, where:

Increase of the MAJOR version number indicates backwards-incompatible API changes.

Increase of the UPDATE number indicates any other minor change, e.g. bugfixes, new compatible features, documentation updates, etc.


Note that, because the 0.x series is by definition feature-incomplete, the addition of new features is expected, and therefore is not indicated any differently from any other change.


The first feature-complete release is indicated by the release of version 1.0.0.

Feature-complete releases use a version numbering scheme MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where:

Increase of the MAJOR version number indicates backwards-incompatible API changes.

Increase of the MINOR version number indicates compatible API changes introducing new features.

Increase of the PATCH number indicates any other minor change, e.g. bugfixes, documentation updates, etc.



Every release, whether or not it's feature-complete, is considered "stable", in the sense that it's expected to work - in terms of source-control, an unstable release should never be tagged, but may exist on a pre-release branch, until it's ready for release.

The 0.x release series indicates that the API is still incomplete and doesn't yet include or support all of the planned features. Increase the version number to 1.0.0 when the API is feature-complete.

Always increase the MAJOR version number for any breaking change, regardless of whether the release is feature-complete or not.

Never increase the MAJOR version number for backwards-compatible changes.

The initial 1.0.0 release may have breaking changes - your change log should indicate if it does.

Deprecation is a minor change. Removal is a breaking change.

Accidental release of a breaking change with a minor version number increase must be corrected by an immediate minor release reverting the change, and a subsequent MAJOR release.

A major update to an external dependency imported by your package does not automatically lead to a major version increase in your package - while it could lead to blockage (in a package with a conflicting version constraint for the same external dependency) it doesn't always, for example, if changes to an external dependency do not result in any breaking changes to your public API.

Breaking changes to internal APIs with a minor version increase are permitted, for classes (and other source elements) that have been explicitly marked as implementation details intended for internal use only, e.g. with a formal annotation or doc-block.

Relationship with SemVer

In a sense, this is a subset of SemVer, but with slightly different semantics.

This convention uses two distinct release series with slightly different semantics and scope, which match the caret operator for version constraints, e.g. as implemented by package management tools such as Composer and npm.

Unlike SemVer, the feature-incomplete 0.x series does not allow breaking changes from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 - in practice, this is generally how the caret ^ operator version constraint works with most package managers, e.g. in composer.json with Composer and package.json with npm.

This convention does not permit the use of pre-release identifiers, as in 1.0.0-alpha, etc. - the notion of pre-releases is outside the scope of this convention, which recognizes that this problem can solved in a number of ways, for example (typically) by treating e.g. a 1.0.0 branch (under source-control) as a pre-release, and a 1.0.0 tag as a release.